Martin Mathy


Born 1976 in Austria (Wagna), Lives and works in Graz, Austria


1997 - 2001    University of Applied Sciences for Industrial Design, Technikum Joanneum, Graz, Austria

1996 - 1997    History and German Language, Karl-Franzens University, Graz, Austria

Exhibitions / Awards

2021    Kunst am Bau 3.Preis / LKH Wolfsberg, Austria

2018    Schönheit & Anspruch, Stift Admont, Austria

2014    Dort, wo unsere Sprache endet, Steirischer Herbst, gallery Minoriten, Graz, Austria

2011    IrREALligious! Parallelwelt Religion in der Kunst, Steirischer Herbst, gallery Minoriten, Graz, Austria

2010    Artist in Residence, Rondo, Graz, Austria

2010    Wanted-Found, gallery Kon-Temporär, Graz, Austria

2010    Springten, festival for electronic art and music, Graz, Austria

2010    Reliqte, gallery Minoriten, Graz, Austria

2010    Around the Block, Rondo, Graz, Austria

2010    Kein Abbild, whiteBOX gallery, Germany, Munich

2010    Rondomat, Rondo, Graz, Austria

2009    PROTOTYP, LABOR, Graz, Austria

2009    Imagineering, Forum Stadtpark, Graz, Austria

2008    Founding of the artist collective 0512 - zerofivetwelve

2006    Headquarter for the Organisation of Islamic Conference in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 1st prize, with Atelier Thomas Pucher

2005    Masterplan for the New Multifunctional Administrative City, South Korea, second tier prize, with Atelier Thomas Pucher

2005    Estonian National Museum, international competition, 3rd prize, with Atelier Thomas Pucher

2005    Steirischer Herbst - Festival of new Art, Graz, Austria

2003    Graz03, Cultural Capital of Europe, Austria

2003    A/V COLLISION International Festival of Crash of the Acoustic and the Visual

2002    Nemetschek Award

2000    Diagonale Festival of Austrian Film

Publications / Releases

2010    Publication, Artbox, Korso magazine

2010    Publication, der Standard, special edition: genetic, Austria

2010    Exhibition catalogue Reliqte, gallery Minoriten, Graz, Austria

2010    Exhibition catalogue Kein Abbild, whiteBOX gallery, Germany, Munich

2010    Publication Süddeutsche Zeitung, Germany

2009    Exhibition catalogue Imagineering, publishing: Verlag Forum Stadtpark, ISBN 978-3-901109-25-6, Austria

2002    Publication design report magazine, Germany
